ASI works together with producers, users and stakeholders in the aluminium value chain to collaboratively foster responsible production, sourcing and stewardship of aluminium. The Performance Standard supports responsible supply chains by: - Providing a common standard for the aluminium value chain on environmental, social and governance performance - Establishing requirements that can be independently audited to provide objective evidence for the granting of ASI Certification - Reinforcing and promoting consumer and stakeholder confidence in the aluminium sector and its products - Serving as a broader reference for the establishment and improvement of responsible production, sourcing and material stewardship initiatives in metals and minerals supply chains.
Below you find the impact areas within the Responsibly Impact Parameter Framework which are covered by this data source.
Workplace health and safety
Social impact parameter
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Social impact parameter
Minimum age and child labor
Social impact parameter
Forced or compulsory labor
Social impact parameter
Equal opportunity, rights and treatment
Social impact parameter
Workplace harassment and mistreatment
Social impact parameter
Working contract
Social impact parameter
Living wage
Social impact parameter
Paid overtime
Social impact parameter
Working hours
Social impact parameter
Paid employment leaves
Social impact parameter
Protection of vulnerable groups
Social impact parameter
Career management, education and training
Social impact parameter
Indigenous people
Social impact parameter
Forcefully seized land
Social impact parameter
Workplace systems and procedures
Social impact parameter
Compliance to local laws and regulations
Social impact parameter
Social impact parameter
Environmental impact parameter
Pollution incident prevention process
Environmental impact parameter
Environmental impact parameter
Conservation of habitats
Environmental impact parameter
Water consumption
Environmental impact parameter
Air pollution
Environmental impact parameter
Waste management
Environmental impact parameter
GHG scope 1 emissions
Environmental impact parameter
GHG scope 2 emissions
Environmental impact parameter
GHG scope 3 emissions
Environmental impact parameter
Energy and fuel consumption
Environmental impact parameter
Emission reduction targets
Environmental impact parameter
Product end-of-use
Environmental impact parameter
Recycled materials
Environmental impact parameter
Environment management system
Environmental impact parameter
Supplier environmental assessments
Supplier management parameter
Supplier human rights assessments
Supplier management parameter