The Standard provides a framework for food manufacturers to assist them in the production of safe food and to manage product quality to meet customers’ requirements. Certification against the Standard is recognised by many retailers, food service companies and manufacturers around the world when assessing the capabilities of their suppliers. In response to demand, the Standard has been translated into many languages to facilitate implementation by food businesses across the world.
The Standard has been developed to specify the food safety, quality and operational criteria required to be in place within a food manufacturing organisation to fulfil obligations with regard to legal compliance and protection of the consumer.
The format and content of the Standard is designed to allow an assessment of a company’s premises, operational systems and procedures by a competent third party – the certification body – against the requirements of the Standard.
Below you find the impact areas within the Responsibly Impact Parameter Framework which are covered by this data source.
Product safety
Social impact parameter
Responsible marketing and selling
Social impact parameter
Supply chain traceability
Supplier management parameter
Quality assurance
Quality parameter