Global supply chains are a major employer of women: Women represent an average of 68 percent of the garment workforce, 45 percent of the textile sector workforce, and up to 70 percent of the horticulture workforce. These low-income working women often face significant and specific challenges, such as a low status in the workplace, low skill levels, irregular and excessive hours, harassment, violence, and discrimination. These challenges are reinforced by a lower status in society. HERproject stands with women as they take greater control of their lives, ensuring that they can make and act on choices they value. We firmly believe that women in global supply chains have the potential to be powerful agents for positive change in workplaces and in society. HERproject works to unlock that potential.
Below you find the impact areas within the Responsibly Impact Parameter Framework which are covered by this data source.
Career management, education and training
Social impact parameter
Workplace systems and procedures
Social impact parameter
Equal opportunity, rights and treatment
Social impact parameter