• CO2 Prestatieladder (CO2 Performance Ladder)

    CO2 Prestatieladder (CO2 Performance Ladder)

    CO2 Prestatieladder (CO2 Performance Ladder)Standard
    Environmental impact parameters7
  • The CO2 Performance Ladder is a CO2 management system that consists of 5 levels. Up till level 3, an organisation that obtains a certificate on the Ladder reduces its own carbon emissions within the organisation and all its projects. From level 4 and 5, the organisation also aims to reduce CO2 emissions from the business chain and sector. An organisation that is certified on a certain level (and all previous levels) adheres to the requirements of the CO2 Performance Ladder. These requirements are based on four angles, namely: Insight: To determine different streams of energy and the carbon footprint of the organisation. Reduction: To develop ambitious goals for the reduction of CO2 emissions. Transparency: To structurally communicate about organisation policies of CO2 reduction. Participation: To take part of business sector initiatives with regards to the reduction of carbon emissions.






  • Which ESG topics does the data source address?

    Below you find the impact areas within the Responsibly Impact Parameter Framework which are covered by this data source.

    Environmental impact parameters

    Emission reduction targets

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    GHG scope 1 emissions

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    GHG scope 2 emissions

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Emission reduction results

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Energy and fuel consumption

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    GHG scope 3 emissions

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Carbon management plan

    Environmental impact parameter



  • Environmental impact parameters



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