Committed to workers' health, safety, and welfare Good agricultural practices aren’t just about products; they are also about people. GRASP – The GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice is a voluntary, farm-level social/labor management tool for global supply chains, to be used in combination with Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA).
Below you find the impact areas within the Responsibly Impact Parameter Framework which are covered by this data source.
Working hours
Social impact parameter
Minimum age and child labor
Social impact parameter
Minimum wage
Social impact parameter
Precarious work
Social impact parameter
Paid overtime
Social impact parameter
Working contract
Social impact parameter
Forced or compulsory labor
Social impact parameter
Compliance to local laws and regulations
Social impact parameter
Social impact parameter
Workplace harassment and mistreatment
Social impact parameter
Protection of vulnerable groups
Social impact parameter
Workplace grievance mechanism
Social impact parameter
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Social impact parameter