ICTI Ethical Toy Program (IETP) Certification focuses on social compliance issues pertaining to the manufacturing industry. Originally designed for the needs of the global toy industry, it is now deployed in many sectors with all programs applicable to any industry. Our ethical Audit Checklist is regularly reviewed to respond to the evolving needs of the factories, brands and retailers, reflect changes in regulation and to integrate best practices.
Below you find the impact areas within the Responsibly Impact Parameter Framework which are covered by this data source.
Forced or compulsory labor
Social impact parameter
Working hours
Social impact parameter
Workplace harassment and mistreatment
Social impact parameter
Workplace grievance mechanism
Social impact parameter
Equal opportunity, rights and treatment
Social impact parameter
Social impact parameter
Workplace systems and procedures
Social impact parameter
Workplace health and safety
Social impact parameter
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Social impact parameter
Minimum wage
Social impact parameter
Retirement scheme
Social impact parameter
Working contract
Social impact parameter
Minimum age and child labor
Social impact parameter
Waste management
Environmental impact parameter
Pollution incident prevention process
Environmental impact parameter
Air pollution
Environmental impact parameter