Paper marked with PCF means that the fibers are recycled fibers and that the fibers have not been bleached or that the rebleaching was done without the use of chlorine derivatives. Even if no bleaching agents are used, the fibers will typically contain residues from bleaching the original, new fibers. Processed Chlorine Free (PCF) audits require a chain of custody for all raw materials, measures the impact of a manufacturing process on the environment: water and energy use, chemistry, carbon gas releases, reviews environmental policy and permit compliance, reviews ethical management practices and compliance, financial performance, product stewardship, public information, funding of research and development, and employee recognition.
Below you find the impact areas within the Responsibly Impact Parameter Framework which are covered by this data source.
Living wage
Social impact parameter
Minimum wage
Social impact parameter
Carbon management plan
Environmental impact parameter
Water consumption
Environmental impact parameter
Raw material efficiency
Environmental impact parameter
Energy and fuel efficiency
Environmental impact parameter
Air pollution
Environmental impact parameter
Supply chain traceability
Supplier management parameter
Supplier environmental assessments
Supplier management parameter
Supplier human rights assessments
Supplier management parameter