• Sustainable Apparel Coalition - The Higg Index - Higg Materials Sustainability Index (Higg MSI)

    Sustainable Apparel Coalition - The Higg Index - Higg Materials Sustainability Index (Higg MSI)

    Sustainable Apparel Coalition - The Higg Index - Higg Materials Sustainability Index (Higg MSI)Standard
    Environmental impact parameters6
  • The Higg Index is a suite of tools for the standardized measurement of value chain sustainability. It is comprised of a core set of five tools that together assess the social and environmental performance of the value chain and the environmental impacts of products, including the Higg Facility Environmental Module (FEM), Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (FSLM), Higg Brand & Retail Module (BRM), Higg Materials Sustainability Index (MSI), and Higg Product Module (PM). Across topics such as water use, carbon emissions, and labor conditions, consumer goods brands, retailers, manufacturers, governments, NGOs, and consumers can use the Higg Index to inform their individual sustainability strategies and drive collective industry transformation. We developed the methodologies of the Higg Index over ten years using the latest scientific research, in partnership with SAC members, consultants, stakeholders, and industry experts.




    self assessed


  • Which ESG topics does the data source address?

    Below you find the impact areas within the Responsibly Impact Parameter Framework which are covered by this data source.

    Environmental impact parameters

    Water consumption

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Land, soil and groundwater pollution

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Energy and fuel consumption

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    GHG scope 3 emissions

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    GHG scope 2 emissions

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    GHG scope 1 emissions

    Environmental impact parameter



  • Environmental impact parameters



  • Start evaluating your suppliers on sustainability today