Disney requires that all Facilities engaged in the production of Disney-branded products meet and maintain, at a minimum, a requisite level of compliance with the Disney Code referred to as the Minimum Compliance Standard (“MCS”). In order to meet the MCS, a Facility must demonstrate the absence of violations in the following Disney Code categories which Disney considers to be the highest priority and most serious labor standard issues: child labor, involuntary labor, coercion and harassment, nondiscrimination, association, health and safety, subcontracting, monitoring and compliance
Below you find the impact areas within the Responsibly Impact Parameter Framework which are covered by this data source.
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Social impact parameter
Workplace health and safety
Social impact parameter
Minimum wage
Social impact parameter
Working hours
Social impact parameter
Paid overtime
Social impact parameter
Compliance to local laws and regulations
Social impact parameter
Equal opportunity, rights and treatment
Social impact parameter
Workplace harassment and mistreatment
Social impact parameter
Minimum age and child labor
Social impact parameter
Forced or compulsory labor
Social impact parameter
Environment management system
Environmental impact parameter