• Workplace Conditions Assessment (WCA)

    Workplace Conditions Assessment (WCA)

    Workplace Conditions Assessment (WCA)Standard
    Environmental impact parameters12
  • In 2010, the largest CSR supply chain auditing and certification body, Intertek, set out to challenge norms on scheduling, tracking, conducting and reporting on social responsibility audits. Rooted in 20 years of experience in supply chain auditing for CSR performance, the Workplace Conditions Assessment (WCA) is a data driven, software-based community platform that enables automated data collection leading to ratings based measurable audit results. Auditors are provided an efficient and streamlined audit format based on Intertek’s leading eAudit technology, and brand/retailer users of the WCA have access to invaluable data mining tools that can help set performance metrics which are capable of being benchmarked against global, industry, and country averages.






  • Which ESG topics does the data source address?

    Below you find the impact areas within the Responsibly Impact Parameter Framework which are covered by this data source.

    Workplace health and safety

    Social impact parameter

    Workplace systems and procedures

    Social impact parameter

    Paid overtime

    Social impact parameter

    Equal opportunity, rights and treatment

    Social impact parameter

    Forced or compulsory labor

    Social impact parameter

    Workplace harassment and mistreatment

    Social impact parameter

    Gender pay gap

    Social impact parameter

    Paid employment leaves

    Social impact parameter

    Working hours

    Social impact parameter

    Retirement scheme

    Social impact parameter

    Living wage

    Social impact parameter

    Minimum wage

    Social impact parameter

    Working contract

    Social impact parameter

    Minimum age and child labor

    Social impact parameter

    Career management, education and training

    Social impact parameter

    Compliance to local laws and regulations

    Social impact parameter

    Protection of vulnerable groups

    Social impact parameter


    Social impact parameter

    Freedom of association and collective bargaining

    Social impact parameter

    Workplace grievance mechanism

    Social impact parameter

    Anticompetitive practices

    Social impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    GHG scope 1 emissions

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Water consumption

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Waste management

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Conflict minerals

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Air pollution

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters


    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Pollution incident prevention process

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Land, soil and groundwater pollution

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Environment management system

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Energy and fuel efficiency

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Energy and fuel consumption

    Environmental impact parameter

    Environmental impact parameters

    Soil health

    Environmental impact parameter

    Supplier environmental assessments

    Supplier management parameter

    Supplier education and training

    Supplier management parameter

    Supply chain traceability

    Supplier management parameter



  • Social


  • Environmental impact parameters



  • Supplier


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