• Environmental impact parameters

    Conflict minerals

    Conflict mineralsESG Parameter
  • The "Conflict Minerals" parameter assesses suppliers' practices related to the sourcing and use of minerals, specifically those that have been linked to conflict and human rights abuses. These minerals often include tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold (often referred to as 3TG minerals). Evaluating suppliers' efforts to ensure responsible sourcing of minerals is crucial for ethical business practices and preventing the financing of armed conflict and human rights violations.

    South Sudan

    South Sudan

    Country Risk


    According to

    Indicative, non-exhaustive list of Conflict Affected and High-Risk Areas

    South Africa

    South Africa

    Country Risk


    According to

    Indicative, non-exhaustive list of Conflict Affected and High-Risk Areas

    United States

    United States

    Country Risk


    According to

    Indicative, non-exhaustive list of Conflict Affected and High-Risk Areas

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